Star In Your Own Story
Every person has lived an amazing story
Your stories speak volumes about who you are. And the attitudes and feelings that these stories bring up for you are then added to your subconscious and conscious minds on going chit-chat that defines you as the lead character in your own play at life. You are also the director and producer of your everyday life experience playing different roles in different settings with different people.
How many times have you seen a movie or a play, and disappeared into it? And when you stepped outside into the blaring sunshine to the reality of your own life, to the character you know yourself to be, you felt a little disoriented,like the the movie experience was just a dream,and now you are back to something more tangible, its surreal right? How many times have you been in a devastatingly hilarious or tragic event that made you stop and look at life a little differently, as if this whole world is just one giant movie, and all the people in your life are all co-stars to your starring role as YOU?!
This course, Star in your own story is a chance to take ownership of the movie called your life and reframe the script ,so that you can tell a different story .Its also a chance to observe the ongoing thoughts that distract you, and free yourself from them entirely. Asking some big questions such as how important are these thoughts?Do I really need any of them? Bringing you back home to the refreshing peaceful present moment.
Through a few, fun, thought provoking lessons, this course will help you rewrite your story ,and ultimately free you from the them all together. Therefore bringing you more joy, aliveness and more of your truly divine nature as the unique shining star you are.
All you have to do is show up, be willing to remain open to the process, and maybe even laugh a little, or a lot at yourself through it.
This course is for the performer in all of us, whether you see yourself as one,or not. Your questions and feedback are always welcome!
Consider this a messy ego-less presence process art form. We all need more play in our lives, and less judgment and fear.
Now's your chance to overcome that debilitating memory and let your spirit soar into everything you've ever dreamt of becoming, even if for a short while on the stage called your life. And what is most exciting is it will be through your own stories.
When I was a kid, I was the weirdo, the outcast, the "George Mcfly" and it wasn't until I landed the lead role as a 4th grader in the 4th and 5th grade production of "Christina the Christmas doll" 1974 That I realized just what a great escape it was to drop the character, Kathryn and play at being someone else . Anyone else away from the constant contracting thought stream that runs incessantly, and on repeat,in every human beings minds.
I can show you how fun and easy it is to observe your egoic-mind driven self, by exposing the many character voices that run your everyday life so that you can reappear as the hero in your own lifes story. Setting you free to join in the blissful dance at being present.
It was in 2017 back stage of "Twelfth Night" That it dawned on me what it is to be an actor, and this phrase came to mind, as I wrote it at the top of my script.
It is in the art of being present, that we present our selves to the world, as a present.
Useful spiritual truths
Let's get to know you!
What's your story?/ observe your script
memories as a movie
Super fun memorization techniques
Reframing your past/ a path to forgiveness
Take a Bow! 👏👏👏😁
Thank you!
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“Kathryn is a fabulous teacher. Her thoughtful guidance will help unlock the door to your self-expression, allowing you to explore what works for you. What’s more, Kathryn always makes it fun with improv and acting exercises to loosen you up. Turn the key and step into your confident self.”
Founder, Crescent Montessori School